Category Archives: Visions

visions of success

Kahlil Gibran on Work

Then a ploughman said, Speak to us of Work. And he answered, saying: You work that you may keep pace with the earth and the soul of the earth.For to be idle is to become a stranger unto the seasons,and … Continue reading

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Mami Wata’s Promise from “Journey to Orphalese”

This mini-mini series is based on an exerpt from The Adventures of Isabelle Book II: Journey to Orphalese now on Amazon. Crossing the Equator: On the day the fleet crossed the Equator the sky was clear and bright, but the … Continue reading

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Author brings girls together at DC school by encouraging them to share their story.

I had the pleasure of sharing this cross-generational discussion with Marcella Roberts of WUSA Channel 9 News in May, 2019.

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Spring Break Beach Retreat 2023!

Is 2023 Your Breakthrough Year? If so, you will want to join us at this weekend beach retreat to facilitate your Spring Emergence after a long Winter! You will clarify and reset your Ideal Vision for your life, eliminate obstacles … Continue reading

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NEW Edition Book II: Journey to Orphalese

Dear Adventurers, Are you ready to dive into a world where courage meets magic and every princess defies the ordinary? We’re thrilled to announce the arrival of “The Adventures of Isabelle Book II: Journey to Orphalese” on Amazon! This latest … Continue reading

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The Urgency for More Diverse Princesses in Media

The dialogue surrounding diversity and representation in media has become increasingly vital, highlighting the necessity for narratives that mirror the world’s true diversity. Despite strides towards inclusivity in various media forms, there’s a notable deficiency in the portrayal of princesses … Continue reading

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The Myth of Multi-Tasking

I recently conducted a survey of working women to find out what their biggest challenges are. Some of what I found was surprising but some was not. As I know, not just from my survey, but from real life, you … Continue reading

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What Are You Doing for Your Emotional Well-Being?

May is Mental Health Awareness Month but our emotional well-being is something we need to address year-round. Check out this vid of my appearance on Channel 7 News DC and read below for ways to improve your emotional well-being! These … Continue reading

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Negril, Jamaica (with a quick trip to Kingston) Feb. 2023

It’s been a minute since I’ve had a chance to exercise my travel blogging fingers. This quick trip to Negril for a romantic and restorative Valentine’s celebration was divine, giving me a chance to do some writing and collect some … Continue reading

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Riviera Maya, Quintana Roo, on the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

My amazing birthday adventure to explore some of Mexico’s beautiful cenotes, beaches, and archeological sites on the Yucatan Peninsula! Of course, I can’t leave out food and other forms of fun in the sun, not to mention cavorting with dolphins!! … Continue reading

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