VQC #39: Another Day in Paradise

Are you living in Paradise?

I am back from my awesome Vision Quest Retreat and readjusting to life here…you know having to wear shoes and clothes, taking the metro and not lying down when conducting work meetings…those kind of crazy things. For some reason sitting down to my laptop I notice that I am still rocking gently inside. I must have spent more time in the sea than I thought.

Today I am a bit challenged to try and refocus on work but at the same time I am really enjoying it…the work I mean. I was at a client site yesterday and really having a good time being engaged with them and being creative to help them improve the service they give to their members. I was struck by how much I love my work, this life I have created for myself and blessed to have. I love what I do! I also think my retreat refreshed me so I could be more engaged and creative.

I am a little uncomfortable today due to my seeming inconsistent focus but I think that is normal after a holiday so I wont worry about this. I have my list of work to do, am going to work through it, do what I can and not stress too much. I also need to report that I am fairly bursting with gratitude of late and find myself wondering…”how did my life get to be so good?” I know I am not alone. Many of us are living in a paradise on a daily basis, others can choose this when they want. Unfortunately I think there are some people who do not have this choice and then it is up to those of us who can, to help to improve the quality of their lives so they might experience the goodness that life can offer. My intention, through my work, is to do just this. The challenge is to continually refocus and to refresh my intention on a daily basis.

(first posted 7.9.09)

About admin

For over 12 years Nicole Cutts, Ph.D., licensed Clinical Psychologist, Success Coach, Author and Organizational Consultant has been inspiring and empowering people to achieve a more balanced and successful lifestyle. Dr. Cutts has consulted with and trained executives, managers, and teams at Fortune 500 Companies, Federal Government Agencies, and Non-Profit Organizations. As a master facilitator and Success Coach, she helps people create an exceptional life by honoring their mind, body, and spirit so they can experience joy, passion, meaning, and ultimate success in their work.
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