After my spotty morning of writing my trip to Lambert’s Cove was divine. I braved a swim in the icey water and am glad that I did. Once in it wasn’t so bad and this time the water was largely free of jelly fish. I swam pretty far out and floated on my back then played around a bit in the clear water. I always think of Mami Wata and my connection to her and her sisters when I have the joy of getting in the water. As long as I am connected to the sea I am connected to her.
After my swim I lay on my towel to warm up. The sun was not very hot but it was hot enough to warm and dry me and make me happy. I left the beach around 4:30. Once back in Vineyard Haven I went for a walk along the main road to town to Owen Little park and down to the harbour. My online research in the morning had not turned up a nautical term; a part of a sail boat, I needed for the book so I figured I could find someone at the docks to ask. The one sailor I found was unsure but he gave me a term I could start with. The lighting over the harbor at this time was enchanting and showed off the beauty of the boats moored there.
I climbed the hill back to Main St. then made my way back to the house. After my desperate attempts (that yielded very little), to get some grapes that were very high up I moved on to shell processing. I had soaked my latest batch of acquired quahogs and it was time for the gruesome task of getting the flesh off of them. This I did squating over the bucket in the backyard with my toothbrush (no not the one I put in my mouth!) before soaking them in a bleach solution. This batch was pretty grimey and since the outside of the shell is a part of the aesthetics of the jewelry I wanted them to be free of dirt and stains.
After shell processing I took a lovely hot shower. There is nothing like a shower after the beach and a swim in the ocean and I scrubbed myself extra well lest I smell clamy! After shower, dinner, reading
(Ernest Hemingway’s Over the River and Into the Trees) I drifted off to sleep, perchance to dream.