#55: The Power of Pink Revisited

G*ddess Unites With Her Vision (detail)

G*ddess Unites With Her Vision (detail)

In post #51 I put the question out there…”Is pink a power color?” I received several interesting comments and perspectives on this. I love pink because it is the color of the heart’s deepest desire but I also learned some neat things about my new favorite color from Jacqueline Lawson at Hot & Mobile that I want to share with you;

Pink is the color of universal love. Pink is a quiet color. Lovers of beauty favor pink. A pink carnation means “I will never forget you”. Pink Energy Pink is a combination of red and white. The quality of energy in pink is determined by how much red is present. White is the potential for fullness, while red helps you to achieve that potential. Pink combines these energies. Shades of deep pink, such as magenta, are effective in neutralizing disorder and violence. Some prisons use limited deep pink tones to diffuse aggressive behaviour. Pink provides feelings of caring, tenderness, self-worth and love, acceptance. Put some pink in your life when you want: calm feelings, to neutralize disorder, relaxation, acceptance, contentment.

(first posted 10.7.09)

About admin

For over 12 years Nicole Cutts, Ph.D., licensed Clinical Psychologist, Success Coach, Author and Organizational Consultant has been inspiring and empowering people to achieve a more balanced and successful lifestyle. Dr. Cutts has consulted with and trained executives, managers, and teams at Fortune 500 Companies, Federal Government Agencies, and Non-Profit Organizations. As a master facilitator and Success Coach, she helps people create an exceptional life by honoring their mind, body, and spirit so they can experience joy, passion, meaning, and ultimate success in their work.
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